Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Controlled Chaos

This week, Mr. Doughan's creative writing classes are up in the artroom 1st, 3rd, and 7th hours. They are creating art for their Poetry Books. What these students are coming up with is so creative. Most people that would walk into the room at any point during these hours would think it was absolutely crazy with two classes combined, kids working on the floor and at the tables. I think it is amazing to see these kids so focused and enjoying themselves, being creative and having fun! I encourage any teachers or administrators who get the chance, to stop by and see these kids in action! They are great. I having a great time and I think Mr. Doughan is too. Talk about bringing him out of his comfort zone and into a whole new world...but I am finding that he is getting kinda used to it!

***pictures are coming soon!


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Phegley, I'm glad to see you are still living in controlled chaos - that's how I teach everyday!

Mr. Doughan said...

I am LOVING my time in the art room, and I think my students are too. I appreciate that you, Mrs. Phegley, have allowed us to invade you classroom and classes. I, too, have seen much creativity coming out of my students, and one even wants to take art next year. Serious or not, this project has at least got him thinking about art, and that is a plus of this project. This has gotten some students into the art room who may have never crossed the alley. I have been so impressed with this project that I hope we can do it again. And, Mrs. Phegely is the BOMB!!!

Thanks Mrs. Phegely!!