Our art program is around a 200 strong in a school of around 650...not too shabby. Our goal is innovate and educate!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Technology in Art

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Edgar County Student Show
I am very proud of our students at this year's Edgar County Student Show. The show is made up of the area high school art students. The judge for this year's show was artist and educator Jamie Willis. Our students did an outstanding job and received the following awards:
2-D Design
1st- Jordan Wilken
2nd- Courtney Taylor
3rd- Brandon Roberts
3-D Design
1st - Kelli Phillips
3rd- Brittany Steen
Honorable Mention Craig Jones
Judge's Choice Award: Kelli Phillips
Congratulations to all students who participated to make such an exciting exhibit:
Morgan Willoughby,Cici Bowman, Zach Batson, Sam Richmond, Josh Harris, Cerra Downs, Sarah Lueken, Selena Hall, Mercedes Mitchell, and Jack Kendall