The advanced art class and the drawing/painting class attended a class at Eastern Illinois University instructed by the Art Education students as part of their practicum time. They were given a tour of the faculty exhibit and then were directed in creating a piece of art based from a particular artist. The idea of the project was to create a triptych style work. For the sake of time, the students only created two separate drawings. After cutting them in half, they were then asked to piece them back together.
The projects were created in charcoal. A little messy but fun. It was interesting watching the student teachers work with my kids. Watching the EIU college instructors was interesting. It reminded me of the time I had to do and all the fears I had facing a group of students I didn't know. You could tell who was comfortable and who had no idea how to handle the normal high school kid. Right then and there I could tell who was going to be a high school teacher and who was going to be elementary. If you have ever taught high school, you will know, they are a different breed. All in all the kids enjoyed their day and I enjoyed taking them out and experiencing some great art!